Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Return of the Conscientious Orientalist

I haven’t written much over the last few months because my break-up with College Boyfriend took a nose-dive, and I didn’t want to be an annoying blogger writing about how wronged I felt. Looking back, it’s amazing how much time I’ve wasted feeling hurt by his manipulations and bad treatment, and trying to figure out why he acted the way he did.

My loyal readers in Malaysia will be glad to know that I’m finally starting to see the forest for the trees, appreciating my life in Cairo mow and beginning to let go of my anger. Which, of course, means white wine sangria.

Earlier this week my new room mate Dalia moved in. She’s a foreign student here, too, and joins me in Zamalek after a few months living with a family of Egyptian shut-ins in Manial. Dalia is thoughtful and enjoys fresh vegetables, dissecting anecdotes, and making pitchers of sangria until midnight. Suffice it to say, it’s been a good living arrangement so far.

Also, I am returning to the United States to visit friends and family for a few weeks on Tuesday. Part of me is looking forward to going back, but most of me is highly, highly ambivalent about it.

I’ve finally realized that I am better off on my own in Cairo than I would be back home dealing with College Boyfriend, so I’m sad to leaving Egypt for the summer. Hamdolileh the apricots came in to season before I left, though. They make nice sangria.